Hey, I'm Katie!
About me? Well it's a funny story...
I'm a previous Registered Nurse converted to the hollistic health lifestyle. I must credit my wonderful Chiropractor of a husband for helping, but it was by means of figuring out things on my OWN. Not by what people were telling me to do.
We have two adorable little boys in our lives and his Dad and I are over the moon about them.
We love days filled with relaxing, spending time with our loved ones and striving for a better life not only for us, but these awesome children we are so blessed to be able to raise.
Why am I now holistic you ask?
Because I'm pro-knowledge! I'm not "anti" this or "pro" that...I'm purely devoted to the fact that in order to live your healthiest and most vibrant life for yourself-
YOU must do the work yourself.
Research, ask questions -last but not least- TAKE CARE OF YOU!
The bible says:
“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.” - 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Our bodies and minds were meant for a multitude of unbelievable things in the lives we lead, how are you using yours?
I hope you'll follow me on this amazing journey of health and wellness and know that you DO have the world in your hands, how are you going to use it?